Autumn is my favorite season, but this Fall has started out remarkably chilly…not cool. Anyway, soon the leaves will start changing and Des Moines will be at it’s prettiest…awww.

But, for all my oohing and ahhing it’s another Monday morning. Exciting stuff, right? My classes have been pretty easy up to this point, but it’s merely the calm before the midterm storm. With Fall Break fast approaching (yay!), so are midterms! (not so yay.) So on that note a few study tips:

~only study with your friends if you are able to

~work in groups for exams that you have taken extenstive notes to study for, chances are you missed something, somewhere along the way

~don’t overextend, sleep is more important than studying for that last hour (Believe me, when you miss the test altogether because you overslept, it will be worse than if you had gotten up in time. I may have done just that freshman year…don’t tell my mom…)

~eat right (Bananas will do a lot more for your brain than Doritos)

~study in short stints, that way you remember more

~be confident! If you went to class (and if you have a good professor) then you know you know the answers.

Alright, enough of my lame suggestions. Good luck to you guys will all your studying.